Tegas, adil dan berhemah???2

Good morning everyone, I've just finished up my coursework and would like to make a stop here before going to class at 9 later on. what a sleepless night again!

Where am i, after being insane and depressed after the reading of 'out of your mind' decision by the cabinet? oh ya, it's regarding the RMP's front line officers' business.

The same story goes on,but this time it was happened on the different scenario, snatch theft.

Case-2 Snatch Theft

After the incidence, my friend had called me up and asked me to accompany her to the police station and make a report. so, i did. When we have reached the police station there were around 5 to 6 citizens and 3 police officers. Then we took our seats and wait for our turn. After 10 mins ,there was a pretty young mother, who was sitting beside me and complained to me that she had waited for almost 3 hours to finalised her case on robbery. in my mind, i was shouting OMG. what the....! after a short while it was our turn. there was only 1 officer at the counter for the general criminal cases.

Encik Police: Slamat malam, cik. Ada apa-apa cik?
My friend: Selamat malam, sir. Beg tangan saya kena ragut.
Encik Police: oh. macam mana ia berlaku, bolehkah cik terangkan?
My Friend: Macam ini...(start with the grand intro...). After i reached and parked my car. and at the moment i opened my car door and steped out. there come a man with a tremendous speed and stood in front of me. He grabed my hand bag..and........(when she was about to reach the climax)....
Encik police: soli, maaf...bolehkah cik tunggu sekejap? biar saya pergi ambil fax itu.

And i was stunt on the spot. it was like in the middle of making a report yet he could just walked off like that and entertained another case. i was so impressed. and we wait......after asking my friend to terminate the credit card service and so forth.the officer still havent come back and he was on the phone. so,we have to wait again......

Encik police: Minta maaf,di mana kita berhenti? oh ya, berjalan dari....?
My friend: Bukan semasa berjalan, tapi turun dari kereta.
Encik police: oh ya ya...macam ini, bolehkah cik tuliskan nama penuh dan nombor i.c. kat saya?oleh itu, saya boleh bukakan report ini.

We were completely speechless and pissed off but we can do nothing but just keep the instruction. it is so saddening.

Encik police: Bolehkah cik bermula lagi tentang kes cik?
My friend: (with the same grand introduction but in BM medium, for percaution, in case he wanted her to repeat the same thing again in BM if she spoke in English.) Dia ragutkan beg tanganku dan larikan diri dengan motosikalnya. saya cuba meminta tolong dari askar sukarela yang sedang bertugas, tetapi mereka buat tak tahu. oleh itu, saya cuba mengejarkan dia dengan kereta saya, tapi gagal. Dan saya terus datang ke sini untuk membuat report.
Encik police: macam ini. ok biar saya siapkan report ini ya.
At this time the phone rang....the officer, once again has left the desk and reached the phone. and we have to wait for another couple of minutes again.
Encik police: Minta maaf ya.
We: its ok, tak apa.

His typing was really slow and the funny part was, we were suggesting words for him to complete the report. Can you guys believe it? And here comes the most 'entertaining' part, he didn't even know which type of the report is classified into, and he have to ask another colleague for confirmation.
I'm not condemning them, but at least there must be a criteria to meet. It's not about the point on show zero appreciation to them, but it is the liability which they had upon the citizens. It's the responsibility which I'm talking about.

It is Pathetically, Idiotically Decision.

When the Deputy Prime Minister, and also the Education Minister had suggested that English as a must passed subject in SPM last month, I thought I will see brightness. But, after reading the yesterday's news, I see nothing, but i listen the crying of thousands, i smell sorrow and I taste bitterness.

I have cracked my brain and twisted it, and also placed myself into the cabinet's shoe, but i visualize no purpose in changing the teaching language in Maths and Science back to BM. It is definitely a pathetic and idiotic move that made by the ministry. Or there is some other thing behind it?

Ok, let us view it as a way to preserve the national language. And, of course it can be. However, is it not enough? Since we have other subjects which are still in bahasa medium, such as history, moral, geography and so forth. I'm not condemning bahasa, but the application of English in maths and science based subjects is essential. Besides, it is also a useful tool to strengthen the language foundation in the future. If preserving BM as the reason of converting the teaching language, personally , i think it is not persuading. There are so many other ways to preserve the national language but not by converting the teaching language in both Maths and Science.
I believe that there are difficulties for the students to catch up somehow, but at least we are trying to improve ourselves and stayed improve. When we on the pathway of improvement, why do we need to call for a stop? When we are building our foundation, why do we need to make it become shaggy? If someone has fallen on the path, why don't we give him a hand? If someone foundation is weak, why don't we firm it with more stones and concrete? Why do we have a good starting yet we abandon it ourselves? It is pathetically, idiotically decision...

Tegas, adil dan berhemah???

The brand new theme of our Royal Malaysian Police after 'Cepat, Adil dan Beramanah' if I'm not mistaken. Although the new theme hasn't made any impressive progression in impressing the citizens, the old motto doesn't even showed their initiative or enthusiasm in work. But this doesn't apply to the entire body. The front line officers should have show a very professional skill work in handling any case and foremost their workloads. However, sadly to tell, in my personal experience they had failed me.

In two similar occasions which happened in 2 different places and time, but resultant a same disappointment.

Case 1-Picked Pocket

Cik Police: halo, macam mana I boleh tolong encik?
Me: Good evening mdm, i would like to make a police report because i have lost my wallet. And someone must have picked my pocket.
Cik Police: Oo...tak apa! Bolehkah encik tuliskan nama anda dan nombor i.c.?
Me: Sure, no problem.
Cik Police: Bolehkah enck terang kepada I, macam mana incident itu berlaku?
Me: Ok, i have get on a bus from X to X. Due to during that time it was a peak hour,so i have to stand in the fulled bus. And, when i have reached my destination and get off the bus. i have come to a realization that my back pocket was empty. and in fact someone had just picked my pocket in the bus.
Cik Police: I see. Bolehkah encik ulang dalam bahasa? so, i boleh tiapkan dalam report ini.
Me: (anger) ookk. macam ini....(repeat the same story in BM)

Though i was angry because she didn't request me to speak in BM at first, i was still tolerant because i need the report badly. And when i have finished the entire story in BM, I looked at the computer screen and she was get stuck in the second word ( Pada petang,......). and this has made my blood boil.

Cik Police: Pada petang hari, saya menaiki bus....bas apa huh encik?
Me: Bas umum.
Cik Police: Oww...Pada petang hari, saya menaiki bas umum dari...mana ke mana, encik?
Me: Dari X ke X.
Cik Police: Pada hari petang, saya menaiki bas umum dari x ke x.....

She took around 5 mins to construct the sentences and ask me the same thing that i have told her.

Cik Police: Encik, adakah ini betul? ( showing me the screen)

And again, this has get on my nerve. the ' tatabahasa' and sequence was wrong. And, i request her to pass over the keyboard and i typed the report for the sake of saving time. In the end, the process has taken me 45 mins ib the police station, which i think it was a 15mins work or even more than enough in 15 mins.

That's the reason that i think it was a smart move to substitute the motto so the officers would not get blame that often. 'Cepat-45mins for making a simple report' , 'adil- fair for her because she is doing her job' dan 'beramanah-indeed, she repeated the same questions for many times to avoid mistakes'.

I will share my second experience in the coming post on snatch theft. please bear with me...cya!

Will Dogs Get Jealous?

Jealousy is a kind of emotion which exhibits by the higher primates, mankind. But, will dogs also get jealous?

I have searched through the ‘net’ and as well as the pet magazine, the answer is Yes! The recent article (written by a university’s researcher who has studied the behavior of dog) has supported that dogs do get jealous, when part of the attention to them has been given away by the masters or owners.

Dog seems to be man’s best friend. But when there is any deviation of love and treatment to them, dogs can be physically and emotionally affected. The changes of the behavior can be realized by the owner and they are differed from the typical ones. Commonly, we can realize the changes based on few aspects like their appetite, alertness, characteristic like aggressive, and so forth.

How do you find out that your dog is jealous?
- When there is a new comer comes into your life, a new pet, life partner or newborn.
- When they loss their appetite.
- When their alertness is reduced but sensitive.
- When they become nasty.
- When they are moody.
- When you starts to realize the normal norms are no more there.
- When they don’t show up to you when they are called.
- And so forth.

what do you think?? do your pets become 'emo'??


Buscador simply means ‘seeker’, so this blog is named in Spanish’s term.

Let me have a brief introduction of myself; I’m a seeker generally, not an investigator. I seek for the answer of everything that can grab my attention. I’m a medical student, and because of my curiosity in human kind I have chosen the course. I’m a poor planner but a good observer; hence I can’t be a businessman. I like mathematics, but I’m lazy enough to state the calculations of a solution; hence I can’t be an engineer. I like knowledge, but I’m a poor deliverer, hence I can’t be a teacher.

As it has mentioned I’m a seeker, I seek for answers. In knowledge I looked into, in religion I looked into, in living I looked into, and in anything I’m interested in I looked into.

In this blog, I would like to share on what I have found and what i think. And of course, I would like to know what you think as well. I’m curious to know the thoughts that had hidden in your brains. Throw them out to me; it might help in my seeking anyhow.
Thanks and regards.