Tegas, adil dan berhemah???

The brand new theme of our Royal Malaysian Police after 'Cepat, Adil dan Beramanah' if I'm not mistaken. Although the new theme hasn't made any impressive progression in impressing the citizens, the old motto doesn't even showed their initiative or enthusiasm in work. But this doesn't apply to the entire body. The front line officers should have show a very professional skill work in handling any case and foremost their workloads. However, sadly to tell, in my personal experience they had failed me.

In two similar occasions which happened in 2 different places and time, but resultant a same disappointment.

Case 1-Picked Pocket

Cik Police: halo, macam mana I boleh tolong encik?
Me: Good evening mdm, i would like to make a police report because i have lost my wallet. And someone must have picked my pocket.
Cik Police: Oo...tak apa! Bolehkah encik tuliskan nama anda dan nombor i.c.?
Me: Sure, no problem.
Cik Police: Bolehkah enck terang kepada I, macam mana incident itu berlaku?
Me: Ok, i have get on a bus from X to X. Due to during that time it was a peak hour,so i have to stand in the fulled bus. And, when i have reached my destination and get off the bus. i have come to a realization that my back pocket was empty. and in fact someone had just picked my pocket in the bus.
Cik Police: I see. Bolehkah encik ulang dalam bahasa? so, i boleh tiapkan dalam report ini.
Me: (anger) ookk. macam ini....(repeat the same story in BM)

Though i was angry because she didn't request me to speak in BM at first, i was still tolerant because i need the report badly. And when i have finished the entire story in BM, I looked at the computer screen and she was get stuck in the second word ( Pada petang,......). and this has made my blood boil.

Cik Police: Pada petang hari, saya menaiki bus....bas apa huh encik?
Me: Bas umum.
Cik Police: Oww...Pada petang hari, saya menaiki bas umum dari...mana ke mana, encik?
Me: Dari X ke X.
Cik Police: Pada hari petang, saya menaiki bas umum dari x ke x.....

She took around 5 mins to construct the sentences and ask me the same thing that i have told her.

Cik Police: Encik, adakah ini betul? ( showing me the screen)

And again, this has get on my nerve. the ' tatabahasa' and sequence was wrong. And, i request her to pass over the keyboard and i typed the report for the sake of saving time. In the end, the process has taken me 45 mins ib the police station, which i think it was a 15mins work or even more than enough in 15 mins.

That's the reason that i think it was a smart move to substitute the motto so the officers would not get blame that often. 'Cepat-45mins for making a simple report' , 'adil- fair for her because she is doing her job' dan 'beramanah-indeed, she repeated the same questions for many times to avoid mistakes'.

I will share my second experience in the coming post on snatch theft. please bear with me...cya!


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